CAFÉ IRLÂNDES Uma colher( de chá) de açúcar, meia dose de uísque , café quente e chantily. Deve ser servido em copo especial para café. CAFÉ PARIS Metade do copo de café expresso com leite gelado, batido com açúcar . Duas bolas de sorvete de creme, meia dose de licor de cacau , cravo , creme de chantilly , polvilhado com canela e uma cereja . CAFÉ COUNTREAU Uma colher (de chá) de açúcar , meia dose de licor contreau, café expresso quente e chantilly.
ICE COFFEE WITH ORANGE JUICE Half a pint of fresh orange juice (chilled) Two cups of espresso coffee frozen into cubes or well chilled Three dessert spoons of (creme de leite) condensed milk * Three dessert spoons of sugar * Mix together in a blender & serve immediately * add according to your taste IRISH COFFEE Heat a stemmed Whisky glass & pour in one "jigger"of good whisky add three spoons of sugar 50ml of espresso coffee & fill the glass within 4cm of brim. Stir then top off with whipped cream. The Espresso gives the drink extra "bite". With the steam pipe you can fuse the whisky and sugar together and keep them hot until you pour in the coffee. LATTE or CÁFE O GRINGO Take a mug or tall glass and add one espresso then top off with steamed, whipped milk. TIPS ON HOW TO STEAM MILK Use a stainless steel pitcher (about 400ml) and fill it half full with FRESH cold milk. Before placing the steaming rod into the pitcher turn on steam until all the water has been replaced by steam. Place into the pitcher at the bottom. The pitcher will make a screeching sound. Move the pitcher down until the nozzle of the rod is just below the surface of the milk. When milk has risen almost to the top of the pitcher move the nozzle back down to the bottom for about 5 more seconds. The bottom should be too hot to touch. Turn off steam and pour or spoon the milk into the drink. CAPPUCCINO In a cappuccino cup (170ml) add one espresso and top up with steamed milk BOOKS Starting and Running Your Own Specialty Coffee Business Making Your Own Gourmet Coffee Drinks Espressos, Cappuccinos, Lattes, Mochas, and More! for Coffee Products Machines -Super Automatics | Posters and prints | Cups | Specilaty Coffee | Roasters | BOOKS | Grinders | Miscellaneous products Tips on how to make The perefect espresso Done by
BOOKS Starting and Running Your Own Specialty Coffee Business Making Your Own Gourmet Coffee Drinks Espressos, Cappuccinos, Lattes, Mochas, and More!
for Coffee Products Machines -Super Automatics | Posters and prints | Cups | Specilaty Coffee | Roasters | BOOKS | Grinders | Miscellaneous products
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